The Best Latin America Travel Blogs

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Reading other travel blogs is my favourite way to research our travels and find up to date information not available in the guidebooks. These are the blogs we have found useful for travelling around Latin America.

Uncornered Market

We’ve made no secret that Audrey and Dan are two of our favourite travel bloggers. They have just finished travelling around Central and South America for more than a year, and as always their writing is thoughtful as well as useful, and their photos are stunning. They share some of their travel tips in our interview with them.

A favourite post: A Little Bite of Buenos Aires

The Future is Red

Leigh and her family have settled down for a few years in Salta, Argentina, where we had the pleasure of staying with them. This isn’t your typical travel blog but you’ll find tips on Argentina and Panama, where they also lived.

A favourite post: How to Pimp Your Couchsurfing Profile & Find a Place to Stay

Tourist to Townie

Gareth spent ten months in Buenos Aires with the aim of really getting to know the city and becoming part of the community. He also travelled around the Salta area, where we met him.

Viajar Sin Rumbo

We met Adam in Rio, and while his blog isn’t very well known his insightful writing and beautiful photography deserve to be seen by many more. He spent seven months travelling through South America, and his posts about Colombia have made us desperate to visit.

A favourite post: Always Talk to Strangers

Guatape, Colombia
Guatape, Colombia, one of the many small towns Adam explored. Photo by Adam Smith.

Bacon is Magic

Ayngelina has been travelling for six months so far, from Mexico, through Central America and is now heading down the continent to Argentina. We love her focus on food and her positive attitude to setbacks like getting mugged.

A favourite post: A Tale of Two Cities: Granada vs Leon.

Unpaved South America

Here you’ll find tips for getting off the beaten track in South America.

One Year Off

Chronicles of a Year-Long Break-Up


  1. Great list! Preparing for a solo trip to South America in a month and have found some good tips and inspiration in these.

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  2. Just discovered this post for some great blog recommendations. Hopefully some of them will cover Patagonia and the south of Argentina!

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  3. very helpful page. I’m heading to central america and I’m starting doing a little research about it. thanks… greetings from MOROCCO!

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    • Hello! I wanted to know if you’d be updating your page anytime soon – I am an American expat living in Chile who has been writing detailed guides about the country and other travel destinations in South America –
      Let me know if you can include my website as well!

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  4. Awesome list! It basically lets an amateur traveler like me know which are the best places to go, and getting it from an experienced adventurer is a good thing. Thanks for sharing!

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  5. Great website. I like Freedom 29 ( I found through legal nomads link. Also like Uncorned Market and Legal Nomads, obviously.

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  6. I spent 7 weeks in Buenos Aires and will be in Chile until December, then in January-March, will be in Colombia, Brazil and Peru, before returning to Chile (or maybe staying in Peru). I take plenty of weekend trips and adventures and really enjoy blogging about them!

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  7. Great list. Plenty to check out. I love Adam’s picture of that little town GuatapĂ©. It’s definitely on my list now that I’m in Colombia :) Thanks!

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  8. I have been always fascinated towards the bloggers you have listed, Audrey and Dan they are on top of the list of my favorite bloggers. through your interview I got to know many things about them, thanks.

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  9. Thanks so much for including Travelojos on your list. I’m working on publishing a free e-book due out in mid-November that will feature the work of some of my favorite Latin America travel bloggers.

    Here is the list of contributors to the project:


    Among them is Ayngelina from the superbly named “Bacon is Magic”

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  10. A great list – some current favourites but a couple of new ones in there too. And that Gringo Starr site – just wonderful ;o)

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  11. Awesome list!! Some I know, some I don’t. I look forward to reading more and getting to know these bloggers!!

    I have traveled extensively throughout South America.. my blog has a ton of S. Am info.. is that tooting my own horn??

    Haha. Thanks for making this list!

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  12. Looks like I’ll be descending on Latin America just a bit too late to meet everyone. Thank goodness there are other places to meet up. Hopefully I can make this list in the future.

    And to the point – a great list! I read almost all of these blogs regularly.

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    • I almost included you on the list taking into account your future plans! At least you’ll get to meet Leigh & Noah in Salta. You’ll love it! Hopefully we’ll meet you soon. Maybe Vancouver?

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  13. Like Leigh, I feel fortunate that we’ve met a few of these bloggers in person. Now we just need to figure out a way for our paths to cross!

    Thanks so much for including us on this list and we’re really glad our pieces on Latin America were useful!

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    • Your blog is my first port of call when planning the next country to visit, and your writing gives us something to aspire to. I really do hope we cross paths one day – hopefully in Vancouver, although I know your plans are as up in the air as ours!

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  14. It’s an honor to be listed among all these awesome people, thank you very much.

    Hopefully we’ll run into each other again on the next adventure… Colombia?

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  15. Thanks so much for including us in your list.

    Noah and I were just talking last night how much we miss you guys. It was so great having you here.

    And it looks like we’ve had a good number of these bloggers stay with us in Salta. Now it’s my mission to have the rest here, too.

    Hope you’re loving Bolivia.


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